_ < A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z


_postEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport


<default> - Class Diagram


abortClassNotFoundException - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
abortIOException - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
abortIOException - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
ac - Variable in class examples.composite.CompPanel
accept(java.io.File) - Method in class examples.filechooser.ImageFilter
accept(java.io.File) - Method in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Return true if this file should be shown in the directory pane,
false if it shouldn't.

accept(java.io.File) - Method in interface java.io.FileFilter
accept(java.io.File) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
accessibleContext - Variable in class javax.swing.JDialog
ActionDispatcher - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
ActionDispatcher - class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.ActionDispatcher
ActionDispatcher - class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.ActionDispatcher
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: Die Klasse implementiert einen ActionListener.
ActionListener - Class Diagram
ActionListener - Class Diagram in vemaxs
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.ActionDispatcher
actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) - Method in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel.CrayonListener
actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.RedoAction
actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.UndoAction
actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.ActionDispatcher
Die Methode wird automatisch aufgerufen, wenn
ein ActionEvent von der Oberflaeche erzeugt wird.
actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
actions - Variable in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
Activation1 - Activation in Zeichenobjekt (in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren)
Activation1 - Activation in Auswahlobjekt (in Sequence Diagram Objekt löschen)
Activation2 - Activation in Objekt auswählen (in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren)
Activation2 - Activation in Entfernobjekt (in Sequence Diagram Objekt löschen)
Activation3 - Activation in Objekt editieren (in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren)
Activation3 - Activation in Auswahlobjekt (in Sequence Diagram Objekt löschen)
Activation4 - Activation in Objekt editieren (in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren)
Activation4 - Activation in Entfernobjekt (in Sequence Diagram Objekt löschen)
Activation5 - Activation in Zeichenobjekt (in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren)
Activation5 - Activation in Zeichenobjekt (in Sequence Diagram Objekt löschen)
Activation6 - Activation in Objekt auswählen (in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren)
Activation7 - Activation in Objekt editieren (in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren)
Activation8 - Activation in Objekt editieren (in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren)
acw - Variable in class examples.composite.CompPanel
addEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
addEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
addEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
addEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
addEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
addEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
addEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
addEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
addEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
addExtension(java.lang.String) - Method in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Adds a filetype "dot" extension to filter against.

addExtension(java.lang.String) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
addImpl(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,int) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
addKeymapBindings() - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
addmyActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
addReplacement(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
addToModel(vemaxs.model.GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
Fuegt ein Grafikobjekt dem Datenmodell hinzu.
addUndoableEditListener(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
addUndoableEditListener(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Mit Hilfe der UndoableEditSupport-Klasse wird ein UndoableEditListener
(der UndoManager) registriert.
addUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
al - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
allocateNewArray(java.lang.Class,int) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
allocateNewObject(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
alpha - Variable in class examples.composite.Composite
alpha - Variable in class examples.composite.CompPanel
alphaLabel - Variable in class examples.composite.Composite
alphas - Variable in class examples.composite.Composite
annotateClass(java.lang.Class) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
annotateProxyClass(java.lang.Class) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
area - Variable in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
area - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
assign(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable
assignWireOffset(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
assignWireOffset(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
ausgabe - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
Auswahlobjekt - Object in Sequence Diagram Objekt löschen
available() - Method in class java.io.FileInputStream
available() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream


bak - Class Diagram in vemaxs.bak
Begin - class examples.logging.Begin
beginUpdate() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
bi - Variable in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
bi - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
big - Variable in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
big - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
bl - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.MainPanel
blah() - Method in class examples.logging.Testclass2
blockDataMode - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
blockDataMode - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
blueCrayon - Variable in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
buf - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
buf - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
bufferData(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
bufferedWrite(byte[],int,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
bufpos - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
bufsize - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
buildChooser() - Method in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
buttonImages - Variable in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
ein zweidimensionaler Array mit dem default- und mouseoverIcon fuer jeden
Button am jeweils demselben Index
buttonImages - Variable in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
buttons - Variable in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
eine Liste mit allen Buttonobjekten
buttons - Variable in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
buttons_v - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
bytesToDoubles(byte[],int,double[],int,int) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
bytesToFloats(byte[],int,float[],int,int) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream


callbacks - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
CANCEL_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
canRead() - Method in class java.io.File
canRedo() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
canRedo() - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
canRedo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
canRedo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
canRedo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
canRedo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
canRedo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
canRedo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
canRedo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
canUndo() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
canUndo() - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
canUndo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
canUndo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
canUndo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
canUndo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
canUndo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
canUndo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
canUndo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
canUndoOrRedo() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
Canvas - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
Canvas - Class in Class Diagram Frame
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
Canvas - class vemaxs.view.Canvas
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
Canvas - class vemaxs.view.Canvas
canWrite() - Method in class java.io.File
caretUpdate(javax.swing.event.CaretEvent) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.CaretListenerLabel
cdata - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
cdata - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
CDATA_MAX_LEN - Static variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
CDATA_MAX_LEN - Static variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
changedUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.MyDocumentListener
changeLog - Variable in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
changeRule(java.lang.String,int) - Method in class examples.composite.CompPanel
checkAndCreate(java.lang.String,java.lang.SecurityManager) - Static method in class java.io.File
checkField(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
checkRect() - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
checkRect() - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
checkSpecialClasses(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
checkSubstitutableSpecialClasses(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Class) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
Circle - Class in Class Diagram Model
circle - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
Circle - class vemaxs.model.figures.Circle
Circle - class vemaxs.model.figures.Circle
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
classdesc - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
classDescStack - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
classes - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
classes - Class Diagram in vemaxs.classes
className - Variable in class examples.outputstream.TestObject
clear() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
clear() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable
close() - Method in class java.io.FileInputStream
close() - Method in class java.io.FileOutputStream
close() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
close() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
CLOSED_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
colorchooser - Class Diagram in examples.colorchooser
ColorChooser - class vemaxs.view.dialogs.ColorChooser
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: Die Klasse ColorChooser repräsentiert den
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
ColorChooserPanel - class vemaxs.view.dialogs.ColorChooserPanel
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
ColorChooserTest - class examples.colorchooser.ColorChooserTest
colorChooserTest - Class Diagram in vemaxs.tests.colorChooserTest
ColorChooserTest() - Constructor for class examples.colorchooser.ColorChooserTest
comp - Variable in class examples.composite.Composite
compareTo(java.io.File) - Method in class java.io.File
compareTo(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.File
Composite - class examples.composite.Composite
composite - Class Diagram in examples.composite
composite - Class Diagram in vemaxs.tests.composite
compoundEdit - Variable in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
CompPanel - class examples.composite.CompPanel
controller - Class Diagram in vemaxs.controller
controller - Class Diagram in vemaxs.controller
convertDataToVML(DataModel) - Static method in class vemaxs.controller.io.VMLMapper
convertDataToVML(vemaxs.model.DataModel) - Static method in class vemaxs.controller.io.VMLMapper
Die Methode wandelt das DataModel in eine VML-Besschreibung
count - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
count - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
counter - Static variable in class java.io.File
CrayonPanel - class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz, Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thoene)
CrayonPanel.CrayonListener - class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel.CrayonListener
CrayonPanel() - Constructor for class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
createActionTable(javax.swing.text.JTextComponent) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
createCompoundEdit() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
createDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.String) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
createEditMenu() - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
createGeomFigure(java.lang.String) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
createGeomFigure(java.lang.String) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
Ein neues Grafikobjekt wird instanziiert.
createGeomFigure(java.lang.String) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
createGeomFigure(java.lang.String) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
CreateGeomFigureEdit - class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
createInternalFrame(java.awt.Component,java.lang.String) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
createNewFile() - Method in class java.io.File
createRootPane() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
createRootPaneException(java.lang.String) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
createStyleMenu() - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
createTempFile(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.io.File) - Static method in class java.io.File
createTempFile(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - Static method in class java.io.File
currCode - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
currentClass - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
currentClassDesc - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
currentClassDesc - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
currentGetFields - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
currentObject - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
currentObject - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
currentPutFields - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream


data - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
data - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
data - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
data - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
DataModel - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
DataModel - class vemaxs.model.DataModel
DataModel - class vemaxs.model.DataModel
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: Die Klasse DataModel stellt eine Containerklasse für
Unterklassen der abstrakten Klasse GeomFigure dar.
DataModel() - Constructor for class vemaxs.model.DataModel
Konstruktor, indem die Initialisierung der Liste vorgenommen wird
und das Feld selectedFigure auf null gesetzt wird.
DEFAULT_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
defaultCloseOperation - Variable in class javax.swing.JDialog
defaulted(java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
defaulted(java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
defaultReadObject() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
defaultWriteObject() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
delete() - Method in class java.io.File
deleteFromModel(vemaxs.model.GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
Loescht ein Grafikobjekt aus dem Datenmodell .
deleteGeomFigure(GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
deleteGeomFigure(GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
deleteGeomFigure(vemaxs.model.GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
Ein Grafikobjekt wird geloescht.
deleteGeomFigure(vemaxs.model.GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
DeleteGeomFigureEdit - class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
deleteOnExit() - Method in class java.io.File
desc - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
desc - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
description - Variable in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
description - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
dialogInit() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
dialogs - Class Diagram in vemaxs.view.dialogs
die() - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
die() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
die() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
die() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
die() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
die() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
die() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
die() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
dis - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
discardAllEdits() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
dispatcher - Class Diagram in vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher
displayEditInfo(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.MyDocumentListener
doc - Class Diagram in vemaxs.doc
dos - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
doublesToBytes(double[],int,byte[],int,int) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
doValidations() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
drain() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream


editGeomFigure(GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
editGeomFigure(GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
editGeomFigure(vemaxs.model.GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
Editieren eines Grafikobjektes
editGeomFigure(vemaxs.model.GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
edits - Class Diagram in vemaxs.controller.history.edits
editToBeRedone() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
editToBeUndone() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
enableReplace - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
enableReplaceObject(boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
enableResolve - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
enableResolveObject(boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
enableSubclassImplementation - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
enableSubclassImplementation - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
end() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
endPoint - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
endPoint - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Der Endpunkt einer Grafikprimitive, z.B. der Endpunkt einer Linie
endUpdate() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
ensureBufferCapacity(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
Entfernobjekt - Object in Sequence Diagram Objekt löschen
Entwurf - Class Diagram
equals(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.File
ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
erster - Variable in class examples.outputstream.TestObject
ExampleFileFilter - class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
ExampleFileFilter() - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
ExampleFileFilter(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
ExampleFileFilter(java.lang.String) - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
ExampleFileFilter(java.lang.String[],java.lang.String) - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
ExampleFileFilter(java.lang.String[]) - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
examples - package examples
examples - Class Diagram in examples
examples - Class Diagram in vemaxs.examples
examples.colorchooser - package examples.colorchooser
examples.composite - package examples.composite
examples.filechooser - package examples.filechooser
examples.history - package examples.history
examples.logging - package examples.logging
examples.outputstream - package examples.outputstream
examples.shapemover_1 - package examples.shapemover_1
examples.shapemover_2 - package examples.shapemover_2
exists() - Method in class java.io.File
exportVML(DataModel,java.io.File) - Static method in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
exportVML(vemaxs.model.DataModel,java.io.File) - Static method in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController


fc - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
fd - Variable in class java.io.FileInputStream
fd - Variable in class java.io.FileOutputStream
fh - Variable in class examples.logging.Testclass1
fh - Variable in class examples.logging.Testclass2
figureAt() - Method in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
figureAt(int) - Method in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
Liefert ein Grafikobjekt an einem bestimmten Index.
figures - Class Diagram in vemaxs.model.figures
File - Class in Class Diagram IO
File - class java.io.File
File(java.io.File,java.lang.String) - Constructor for class java.io.File
File(java.lang.String,int) - Constructor for class java.io.File
File(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - Constructor for class java.io.File
File(java.lang.String) - Constructor for class java.io.File
filechooser - Class Diagram in examples.filechooser
FileChooser - class vemaxs.view.dialogs.FileChooser
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
FileChooserDemo - class examples.filechooser.FileChooserDemo
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz, Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thoene)
FileChooserDemo() - Constructor for class examples.filechooser.FileChooserDemo
fileChooserTest - Class Diagram in vemaxs.tests.fileChooserTest
FileFilter - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
FileFilter - interface java.io.FileFilter
FileInputStream - Class in Class Diagram IO
FileInputStream - class java.io.FileInputStream
FileInputStream(java.io.File) - Constructor for class java.io.FileInputStream
FileInputStream(java.io.FileDescriptor) - Constructor for class java.io.FileInputStream
FileInputStream(java.lang.String) - Constructor for class java.io.FileInputStream
FileOutputStream - Class in Class Diagram IO
FileOutputStream - class java.io.FileOutputStream
FileOutputStream(java.io.File) - Constructor for class java.io.FileOutputStream
FileOutputStream(java.io.FileDescriptor) - Constructor for class java.io.FileOutputStream
FileOutputStream(java.lang.String,boolean) - Constructor for class java.io.FileOutputStream
FileOutputStream(java.lang.String) - Constructor for class java.io.FileOutputStream
fillcolor - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
fillColor - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
fillColor - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Die Fuellfarbe der Grafikprimitive
FillColorEdit - class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
filled - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
filled - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
true, falls Grafikprimitive eine Fuellfarbe hat, ansonsten false
fillPolka - Variable in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
fillPolka - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
filters - Variable in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
filters - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
finalize() - Method in class java.io.FileInputStream
finalize() - Method in class java.io.FileOutputStream
findWireOffset(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
firstTime - Variable in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
firstTime - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
floatsToBytes(float[],int,byte[],int,int) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
flush() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
Frame - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
Frame - Class Diagram
Frame - Class in Class Diagram Frame
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
Frame - Class Diagram in vemaxs
frame - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
frame - Static variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
frame - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
Frame - class vemaxs.view.Frame
Frame - class vemaxs.view.Frame
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
fs - Static variable in class java.io.File
fuh() - Method in class examples.logging.Testclass1
fullDescription - Variable in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
fullDescription - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
für Web speichern - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)


generateFile(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.io.File) - Static method in class java.io.File
GeomFigure - Class in Class Diagram Model
GeomFigure - class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
GeomFigure - class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: GeomFigure ist die abstrakte Klasse fuer Grafikprimitive wie
Linie, Kreis, Rechteck.
geomFigureList - Variable in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
geomFigureList - Variable in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
geomFigureList ist die Liste, in der alle erzeugten
GeomFigure-Objekte gespeichert werden.
geomFigureList() - Method in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
geomFigureList() - Method in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
Liefert die Liste mit allen Grafikobjekten zurueck,
die in DataModel vorhanden sind.
geomFIgureOutOfArea() - Method in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
geomFigureOutOfArea(vemaxs.model.GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
ist die aktuelle GeomFigure ausserhab der Zeichnflaeche oder nicht
Geschäftsprozesse - Use Case Diagram
Stellt alle Geschäftsprozesse des VML-Editors da.
get(java.lang.String,boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
get(java.lang.String,boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
get(java.lang.String,byte) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
get(java.lang.String,byte) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
get(java.lang.String,char) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
get(java.lang.String,char) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
get(java.lang.String,double) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
get(java.lang.String,double) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
get(java.lang.String,float) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
get(java.lang.String,float) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
get(java.lang.String,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
get(java.lang.String,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
get(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
get(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
get(java.lang.String,long) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
get(java.lang.String,long) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
get(java.lang.String,short) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
get(java.lang.String,short) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
getAbsoluteFile() - Method in class java.io.File
getAbsolutePath() - Method in class java.io.File
getAccessibleContext() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
getAccessibleContext() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getAccessibleName() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
getAccessibleRole() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane.AccessibleJOptionPane
getAccessibleStateSet() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
getActionByName(java.lang.String) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
getCanonicalFile() - Method in class java.io.File
getCanonicalPath() - Method in class java.io.File
getContentPane() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
getCurrentJButton(java.lang.String) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
getDefaultCloseOperation() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
getDescription() - Method in class examples.filechooser.ImageFilter
getDescription() - Method in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Returns the human readable description of this filter.
getDescription() - Method in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
getDescription(java.io.File) - Method in class examples.filechooser.ImageFileView
getDesktopPaneForComponent(java.awt.Component) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getDisplayName() - Method in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
getEndPoint() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
getEndPoint() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Getter fuer den Endpunkt
getExtension(java.io.File) - Static method in class examples.filechooser.Utils
getExtension(java.io.File) - Method in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Return the extension portion of the file's name .
getExtension(java.io.File) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
getFD() - Method in class java.io.FileInputStream
getFD() - Method in class java.io.FileOutputStream
getFillColor() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
getFillColor() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Getter fuer die Fuellfarbe
getFrameForComponent(java.awt.Component) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getGlassPane() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
getIcon() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getIcon(java.io.File) - Method in class examples.filechooser.ImageFileView
getInitialSelectionValue() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getInitialValue() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getInputValue() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getJMenuBar() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
getLargeDisplayIcon() - Method in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
getLayeredPane() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
getLimit() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
getMainPanel() - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIFrame
getMaxCharactersPerLineCount() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getMessage() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getMessageType() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getName() - Method in class java.io.File
getName(java.io.File) - Method in class examples.filechooser.ImageFileView
getObjectFieldValue(java.lang.Object,long) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
getObjectStreamClass() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
getObjectStreamClass() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
getOptions() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getOptionType() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getParent() - Method in class java.io.File
getParentFile() - Method in class java.io.File
getPath() - Method in class java.io.File
getPrefixLength() - Method in class java.io.File
getPresentationName() - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
getPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
getPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
getPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
getPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
getPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
getPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
getPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
getPrimitiveFieldValues(java.lang.Object,long[],char[],byte[]) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
getRedoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
getRootFrame() - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getRootPane() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
getSelected() - Method in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
liefert eine die markierte GeomFigure (die Instanz der Elternklasse GeomFigur) zurueck
getSelected() - Method in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
getSelectedButton() - Method in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
gibt den markierten Button zurueck
getSelectedButton() - Method in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
getSelectedFigure() - Method in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
Liefert das gerade selektierte Grafikobjekt zurück.
getSelectionValues() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getSmallDisplayIcon() - Method in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
getStartPoint() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
getStartPoint() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Getter liefert den Startpunkt einer GP zurueck.
getStrokeColor() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
getStrokeColor() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Getter liefert die Strichfarbe der GP zurueck
getStrokeWidth() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
getStrokeWidth() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Getter liefert die Strichstaerke der GP in int zurueck.
getTempDir() - Static method in class java.io.File
getTypeDescription(java.io.File) - Method in class examples.filechooser.ImageFileView
getUI() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getUIClassID() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getUndoOrRedoPresentationName() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
getUndoPresentationName() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
getUpdateLevel() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
getUTFLength(char[],int) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
getValue() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getVemaxToolBar() - Method in class vemaxs.gui.panel.MainPanel
getWantsInput() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
getWindowForComponent(java.awt.Component) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
gotFocus - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane.1
GRAU - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
greenCrayon - Variable in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
grow() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable
growClassStacks() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
growEntries() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
growSpine() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
gui - Class Diagram in vemaxs.bak.vemax.gui
gui - Class Diagram in vemaxs.classes.vemax.gui
gui - Class Diagram in vemaxs.classes.vemaxs.gui
gui - Class Diagram in vemaxs.controller.gui
gui - Class Diagram in vemaxs.gui
GUIController - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
GUIController - Class in Class Diagram Frame
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: Controller fuer alle Aktionen,
welche die grafische Benutzeroberflaeche betreffen
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
guiController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
guiController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
GUIController - class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
GUIController - class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: Controller fuer alle Aktionen,
welche die grafische Benutzeroberflaeche betreffen
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
guiController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.ActionDispatcher
guiController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.ActionDispatcher
guiController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.MouseActionDispatcher
guiController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.MouseActionDispatcher
guiController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.PopUpDispatcher
guiController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.PopUpDispatcher
guiController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.WindowActionDispatcher
guiController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.WindowActionDispatcher
GUIController() - Constructor for class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
GUIFrame - class vemaxs.gui.GUIFrame
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
GUIFrame(java.lang.String,java.awt.event.ActionListener) - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.GUIFrame
GUIListener - class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
GUIListener(vemaxs.gui.GUIFrame) - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener


handleTable - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
hashCode() - Method in class java.io.File
HIDDEN_FILE - Static variable in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
HIDDEN_FILE - Static variable in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
history - Class Diagram in examples.history
history - Class Diagram in vemaxs.controller.history
history - Class Diagram in vemaxs.examples.history
Historyfunktion - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)
hotKeys - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MenuBar
Array mit allen Shortcuts der Menueeintraege
hotKeys - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MenuBar
htab - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable


icon - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
ICON_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
ImageFileView - class examples.filechooser.ImageFileView
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz, Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thoene)
ImageFilter - class examples.filechooser.ImageFilter
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz, Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thoene)
in - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
indexOfNextAdd - Variable in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
INFORMATION_MESSAGE - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
init() - Method in class examples.composite.Composite
init() - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.shapemover
initAttributes(int) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
initDocument() - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
INITIAL_SELECTION_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
INITIAL_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
initialSelectionValue - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
initialValue - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
initIDs() - Static method in class java.io.FileInputStream
initIDs() - Static method in class java.io.FileOutputStream
INPUT_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
inputArray(boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
inputClassDescriptor() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
inputClassFields(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Class,java.io.ObjectStreamField[]) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
inputObject(boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
inputProxyClassDescriptor() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
inputValue - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
insert(java.lang.Object,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
insertString(int,java.lang.String,javax.swing.text.AttributeSet) - Method in class examples.history.LimitedStyledDocument
insertUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.MyDocumentListener
intern speichern - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)
invokeObjectReader(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
invokeObjectWriter(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
IO - Class Diagram
IO - Class Diagram in vemaxs
io - Class Diagram in vemaxs.controller.io
IOController - Class in Class Diagram IO
IOController - class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
IOController - class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
isAbsolute() - Method in class java.io.File
isDirectory() - Method in class java.io.File
isExtensionListInDescription() - Method in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Returns whether the extension list (.jpg, .gif, etc) should
show up in the human readable description.

isExtensionListInDescription() - Method in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
isFigureClicked() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.MouseActionDispatcher
Die Methode prueft mit Hilfe der Mouseposition des
Events, ob die Mouse in einem Objekt auf der Zeichenflaeche
geklickt wurde.
isFigureClicked() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.MouseActionDispatcher
isFile() - Method in class java.io.File
isFilled() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
isFilled() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Getter zum pruefen, ob GP Fuellfarbe hat
isHidden() - Method in class java.io.File
isRootPaneCheckingEnabled() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
isSignificant() - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
isSignificant() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
isSignificant() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
isSignificant() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
isSignificant() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
isSignificant() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
isSignificant() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
isSignificant() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
isTraversable(java.io.File) - Method in class examples.filechooser.ImageFileView


java.io - package java.io
javax.swing - package javax.swing
javax.swing.undo - package javax.swing.undo
JDialog - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
JDialog - class javax.swing.JDialog
JDialog.AccessibleJDialog - class javax.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
JDialog.AccessibleJDialog(javax.swing.JDialog) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
JDialog() - Constructor for class javax.swing.JDialog
JDialog(java.awt.Dialog,boolean) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JDialog
JDialog(java.awt.Dialog,java.lang.String,boolean) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JDialog
JDialog(java.awt.Dialog,java.lang.String) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JDialog
JDialog(java.awt.Dialog) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JDialog
JDialog(java.awt.Frame,boolean) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JDialog
JDialog(java.awt.Frame,java.lang.String,boolean) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JDialog
JDialog(java.awt.Frame,java.lang.String) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JDialog
JDialog(java.awt.Frame) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JDialog
jframe - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
jlabel - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
JOptionPane - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
JOptionPane - class javax.swing.JOptionPane
JOptionPane.1 - class javax.swing.JOptionPane.1
JOptionPane.1(javax.swing.JOptionPane) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane.1
JOptionPane.2 - class javax.swing.JOptionPane.2
JOptionPane.2(javax.swing.JOptionPane,javax.swing.JDialog) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane.2
JOptionPane.3 - class javax.swing.JOptionPane.3
JOptionPane.3(javax.swing.JOptionPane,javax.swing.JInternalFrame) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane.3
JOptionPane.AccessibleJOptionPane - class javax.swing.JOptionPane.AccessibleJOptionPane
JOptionPane.AccessibleJOptionPane(javax.swing.JOptionPane) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane.AccessibleJOptionPane
JOptionPane() - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane
JOptionPane(java.lang.Object,int,int,javax.swing.Icon,java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Object) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane
JOptionPane(java.lang.Object,int,int,javax.swing.Icon,java.lang.Object[]) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane
JOptionPane(java.lang.Object,int,int,javax.swing.Icon) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane
JOptionPane(java.lang.Object,int,int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane
JOptionPane(java.lang.Object,int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane
JOptionPane(java.lang.Object) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JOptionPane


Kreis erstellen - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)


label - Static variable in class examples.shapemover_1.shapemover
last_x - Variable in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
last_x - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
last_y - Variable in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
last_y - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
lastModified() - Method in class java.io.File
latestUserDefinedLoader() - Static method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
length() - Method in class java.io.File
limit - Variable in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
LimitedStyledDocument - class examples.history.LimitedStyledDocument
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
LimitedStyledDocument(int) - Constructor for class examples.history.LimitedStyledDocument
Line - Class in Class Diagram Model
line - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
Line - class vemaxs.model.figures.Line
Line - class vemaxs.model.figures.Line
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
Linie erstellen - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)
list() - Method in class java.io.File
list(java.io.FilenameFilter) - Method in class java.io.File
liste - Variable in class examples.outputstream.TestObject
listeners - Variable in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
listFiles() - Method in class java.io.File
listFiles(java.io.FileFilter) - Method in class java.io.File
listFiles(java.io.FilenameFilter) - Method in class java.io.File
listRoots() - Static method in class java.io.File
lnkActionDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MenuBar
ein Wrapperklase, die ActionListener Funktionalitaet kapselt
lnkActionDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MenuBar
lnkActionDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
ein Wrapperklase, die ActionListener Funktionalitaet kapselt
lnkActionDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
lnkActionDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.dialogs.ColorChooserPanel
ein Wrapperklase, die ActionListener Funktionalitaet kapselt
lnkCanvas - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MainPanel
lnkCanvas - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MainPanel
die Zeichenflaeche
lnkColorChooser - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
lnkColorChooser - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
lnkColorChooserPanel - Variable in class vemaxs.view.dialogs.ColorChooser
lnkFile - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkFile - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkFileFilter - Variable in class vemaxs.view.dialogs.FileChooser
lnkFileInputStream - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkFileInputStream - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkFileOutputStream - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkFileOutputStream - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkGUIController - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Frame
lnkGUIController - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Frame
ein Wrapperklase, die u.a.
lnkGUIController - Variable in class vemaxs.view.dialogs.FileChooser
lnkIOController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
lnkIOController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
lnkJOptionPane - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
lnkJOptionPane - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
lnkMainPanel - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Frame
lnkMainPanel - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Frame
das Panel in dem sich alle andere Panels befinden
lnkMenuBar - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MainPanel
lnkMenuBar - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MainPanel
Die Menuebar
lnkMouseActionDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
ein Wrapperklase, die MouseListener, MouseMotionListener Funktionalitaet kapselt
lnkMouseActionDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
lnkObjectInputStream - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkObjectInputStream - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkObjectOutputStream - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkObjectOutputStream - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkPopUpDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.PopUpMenu
lnkPopUpDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.PopUpMenu
ein Wrapperklase, die PopupMenuListener Funktionalitaet kapselt
lnkPopUpMenu - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
lnkPopUpMenu - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
lnkPreviewPanel - Variable in class vemaxs.view.dialogs.ColorChooser
lnkStrokeWidthDialog - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
lnkStrokeWidthDialog - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
lnkToolBar - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MainPanel
lnkToolBar - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MainPanel
Die Toolbar
lnkUndoableEdit - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.VemaxsHistory
lnkUndoableEdit - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.VemaxsHistory
lnkUndoableEditSupport - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
lnkUndoableEditSupport - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
lnkUndoableEditSupport - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
lnkUndoableEditSupport - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Feld fuer den UndoableEditSupport, der benoetigt wird, wenn
Editiervorgaenge auf einer Grafikprimitiven rueckgangigmachbar sein sollen.
lnkVemaxsController - Variable in class vemaxs.Start
lnkVemaxsController - Variable in class vemaxs.Start
lnkVemaxsController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
lnkVemaxsController - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
lnkVemaxsHistory - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
lnkVemaxsHistory - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
lnkVMLMapper - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkVMLMapper - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
lnkWindowActionDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Frame
lnkWindowActionDispatcher - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Frame
WindowActionDispatcher kapselt u.a.
loadClass0(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
loadFactor - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
loadVEM(java.io.File) - Static method in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
loadVEM(java.io.File) - Static method in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
log - Static variable in class examples.colorchooser.ColorChooserTest
log - Static variable in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
log - Static variable in class examples.colorchooser.VemaxsColorChooser
log - Static variable in class examples.filechooser.FileChooserDemo
log - Static variable in class examples.filechooser.ImageFileView
log - Static variable in class examples.filechooser.ImageFilter
log - Static variable in class examples.filechooser.Utils
log - Static variable in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
log - Static variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
log - Static variable in class vemaxs.Start
log - Static variable in class vemaxs.gui.GUIFrame
log - Static variable in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
log - Static variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
logger - Static variable in class examples.logging.Testclass1
logger - Static variable in class examples.logging.Testclass2
logging - Class Diagram in examples.logging
logging - Class Diagram in vemaxs.tests.logging
lookup(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable
lookupReplace(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
lsd - Variable in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo


main(java.lang.String[]) - Static method in class examples.colorchooser.ColorChooserTest
main(java.lang.String[]) - Static method in class examples.colorchooser.VemaxsColorChooser
main(java.lang.String[]) - Static method in class examples.filechooser.FileChooserDemo
main(java.lang.String[]) - Static method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
main(java.lang.String[]) - Static method in class examples.logging.Begin
main(java.lang.String[]) - Static method in class examples.outputstream.ObjectWriter
main(java.lang.String[]) - Static method in class examples.shapemover_1.shapemover
main(java.lang.String[]) - Static method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Start
main(java.lang.String[]) - Static method in class vemaxs.Start
main(java.lang.String[]) - Static method in class vemaxs.Start
MainPanel - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
MainPanel - Class in Class Diagram Frame
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
MainPanel - class vemaxs.gui.panel.MainPanel
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
MainPanel - class vemaxs.view.MainPanel
MainPanel - class vemaxs.view.MainPanel
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
MainPanel(java.awt.event.ActionListener) - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.panel.MainPanel
makeToolButtons(java.lang.String,java.awt.Image,java.awt.Image,java.awt.Image,java.awt.Image,java.awt.event.ActionListener,java.lang.String) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
marked - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
MAX_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
maxCharacters - Variable in class examples.history.LimitedStyledDocument
MenuBar - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
MenuBar - Class in Class Diagram Frame
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
MenuBar - class vemaxs.view.MenuBar
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
MenuBar - class vemaxs.view.MenuBar
MenueLeiste - class vemaxs.gui.MenueLeiste
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
MenueLeiste(java.awt.event.ActionListener) - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.MenueLeiste
menuEntries - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MenuBar
Array mit allen Menueeintraegen
menuEntries - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MenuBar
message - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
MESSAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
MESSAGE_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
messageType - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
mkdir() - Method in class java.io.File
mkdirs() - Method in class java.io.File
Model - Class Diagram
Model - Class Diagram in vemaxs
model - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
model - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
model - Class Diagram in vemaxs.model
model - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
Das Datenmodell in dem alle Grafikprimitiven enthalten sind
model - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
model - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Frame
model - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Frame
Das Datenmodell in dem alle Grafikprimitiven enthalten sind
model - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MainPanel
model - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MainPanel
Das Datenmodell in dem alle Grafikprimitiven enthalten sind
MouseActionDispatcher - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
MouseActionDispatcher - class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.MouseActionDispatcher
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: Die Klasse MouseActionDispatcher erweitert
den MouseAdapter.
MouseActionDispatcher - class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.MouseActionDispatcher
mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
mouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
mouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
mouseMoved(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
mouseMoved(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
mousePosition - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
mousePosition - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
MoveGeomFigureEdit - class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
mp - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.GUIFrame


new_x - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
zwei int Werte, die beim Bewegen von GeomFigures die neuen Koordinaten während der Animation darstellen
new_x - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
new_y - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
zwei int Werte, die beim Bewegen von GeomFigures die neuen Koordinaten während der Animation darstellen
new_y - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
newline - Variable in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
nextWireOffset - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
nextWireOffset - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
NO_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
NOT_REPLACEABLE - Static variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream


ObjectInputStream - Class in Class Diagram IO
ObjectInputStream - class java.io.ObjectInputStream
ObjectInputStream.GetField - class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
ObjectInputStream.GetField() - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetField
ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl - class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl(java.io.ObjectStreamClass) - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
ObjectInputStream() - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectInputStream
ObjectInputStream(java.io.InputStream) - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectInputStream
ObjectOutputStream - Class in Class Diagram IO
ObjectOutputStream - class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
ObjectOutputStream.1 - class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.1
ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable - class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable(int,float) - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
ObjectOutputStream.PutField - class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
ObjectOutputStream.PutField() - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl - class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl(java.io.ObjectStreamClass) - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable - class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable
ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable(int,float) - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable
ObjectOutputStream.Stack - class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.Stack
ObjectOutputStream.Stack() - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.Stack
ObjectOutputStream.Stack(java.io.ObjectOutputStream._1) - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.Stack
ObjectOutputStream() - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
ObjectOutputStream(java.io.OutputStream) - Constructor for class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
objects - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
objects - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
ObjectWriter - class examples.outputstream.ObjectWriter
ObjectWriter() - Constructor for class examples.outputstream.ObjectWriter
Creates new ObjectWriter
Objekt auswählen - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)
Objekt auswählen - Object in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren
Objekt editieren - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)
Objekt editieren - Sequence Diagram
Objekt editieren - Object in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren
Objekt erstellen - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)
Objekt löschen - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)
Objekt löschen - Sequence Diagram
OK_CANCEL_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
OK_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
open(java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.FileInputStream
open(java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.FileOutputStream
openAppend(java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.FileOutputStream
OPTION_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
options - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
OPTIONS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
optionType - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
out - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
outOfArea() - Method in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
outOfArea(java.awt.Point) - Method in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
liegt der Punkt ausserhalb der Zeichenflaeche
outputArray(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
outputClass(java.lang.Class) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
outputClassDescriptor(java.io.ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
outputClassFields(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Class,java.io.ObjectStreamField[]) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
outputObject(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
outputstream - Class Diagram in examples.outputstream
outputStream - Class Diagram in vemaxs.tests.outputStream
outputString(java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream


package cache - Class Diagram in vemaxs.classes.package cache
paint() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
paint() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Methode zum Zeichnen der Grafikprimitive.
paint() - Method in class vemaxs.model.figures.Circle
Methode zum Zeichnen der Grafikprimitive.
paint() - Method in class vemaxs.model.figures.Line
Methode zum Zeichnen der Grafikprimitive.
paint() - Method in class vemaxs.model.figures.Rect
Methode zum Zeichnen der Grafikprimitive.
paint(java.awt.Graphics) - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
paint(java.awt.Graphics) - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics) - Method in class examples.composite.CompPanel
panel - Class Diagram in vemaxs.bak.vemax.gui.panel
panel - Class Diagram in vemaxs.classes.vemax.gui.panel
panel - Class Diagram in vemaxs.classes.vemaxs.gui.panel
panel - Class Diagram in vemaxs.gui.panel
paramString() - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
paramString() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
path - Variable in class java.io.File
pathSeparator - Static variable in class java.io.File
pathSeparatorChar - Static variable in class java.io.File
peek() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.Stack
peekCode() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
PLAIN_MESSAGE - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
pop() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.Stack
PopUpDispatcher - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
PopUpDispatcher - class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.PopUpDispatcher
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: Die Klasse PopUpDispatcher implementiert
einen PopUpMenuListener.
PopUpDispatcher - class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.PopUpDispatcher
PopUpMenu - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
PopUpMenu - Class in Class Diagram Frame
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
popUpMenu - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
Das PopUpmenue
popUpMenu - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
PopUpMenu - class vemaxs.view.PopUpMenu
PopUpMenu - class vemaxs.view.PopUpMenu
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
popupMenuCanceled(javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.PopUpDispatcher
Die Methode wird automatisch aufgerufen, wenn ein PopUpMenu
abgebrochen wird.
popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.PopUpDispatcher
Die Methode wird automatisch aufgerufen, wenn ein
PopUpMenu unsichtbar wird.
popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.PopUpDispatcher
Die Methode wird automatisch aufgerufen, wenn ein
PopUpMenu angezeigt werden soll.
postEdit() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
postEdit() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Mit Hilfer derUndoableEditSupport-Klasse wird ein
UndoableEditEvent abefeuert.
postEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
prefixLength - Variable in class java.io.File
pressOut - Variable in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
pressOut - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
PreviewPanel - class vemaxs.view.dialogs.PreviewPanel
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
processKeyEvent(java.awt.event.KeyEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
processWindowEvent(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane.2
propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane.3
push(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.Stack
pushbackCode(byte) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
put(java.lang.String,boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(java.lang.String,boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
put(java.lang.String,byte) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(java.lang.String,byte) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
put(java.lang.String,char) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(java.lang.String,char) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
put(java.lang.String,double) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(java.lang.String,double) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
put(java.lang.String,float) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(java.lang.String,float) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
put(java.lang.String,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(java.lang.String,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
put(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
put(java.lang.String,long) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(java.lang.String,long) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
put(java.lang.String,short) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(java.lang.String,short) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
putFields() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream


QUESTION_MESSAGE - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane


read() - Method in class java.io.FileInputStream
read() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
read(byte[],int,int) - Method in class java.io.FileInputStream
read(byte[],int,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class java.io.FileInputStream
read(java.io.ObjectInputStream) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream.GetFieldImpl
readBoolean() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readByte() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readBytes(byte[],int,int) - Method in class java.io.FileInputStream
readChar() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readClassDescriptor() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readCode() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readDouble() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readFields() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readFloat() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readFully(byte[],int,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readFullyInternal(byte[],int,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readInt() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readLine() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readLong() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readObject() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readObject(boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream) - Method in class java.io.File
readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
readObjectArglist - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readObjectOverride() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readShort() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readStreamHeader() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readUTF() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
readUTFBody(long) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
realSource - Variable in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
Rechteck erstellen - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)
Rect - Class in Class Diagram Model
rect - Variable in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
rect - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
rect - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
Rect - class vemaxs.model.figures.Rect
Rect - class vemaxs.model.figures.Rect
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
recursionDepth - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
recursionDepth - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
redCrayon - Variable in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
redo() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
redo() - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
redo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
redo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
redo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
redo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
redo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
redo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
redo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
redoAction - Variable in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
RedoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
RedoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
RedoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
RedoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
RedoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
RedoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
RedoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
redoTo(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
refill() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
registerValidation(java.io.ObjectInputValidation,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
remove(java.awt.Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
removeUndoableEditListener(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
removeUndoableEditListener(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Mit Hilfe der UndoableEditSupport-Klasse kann zur
Laufzeit der UndoableEditListener entfernt werden.
removeUndoalbeEditListener(UndoableEditListener) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
removeUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.MyDocumentListener
renameTo(java.io.File) - Method in class java.io.File
repaint() - Method in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
liegt der Punkt ausserhalb der Zeichenflaeche
repaint() - Method in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
REPLACEABLE - Static variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
replaceEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
replaceEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
replaceEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
replaceEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
replaceEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
replaceEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
replaceEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
replaceEdit(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
replaceObject(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
replaceTable - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
reps - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable
reset() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
resetStream() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
resetStream() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
ResizeGeomFigureEdit - class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
resolveClass(java.io.ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
resolveObject(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
resolveProxyClass(java.lang.String[]) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
rootPane - Variable in class javax.swing.JDialog
rootPaneCheckingEnabled - Variable in class javax.swing.JDialog
rule - Variable in class examples.composite.Composite
rules - Variable in class examples.composite.Composite
rulesLabel - Variable in class examples.composite.Composite


saveVEM(DataModel,java.io.File) - Static method in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
saveVEM(vemaxs.model.DataModel,java.io.File) - Static method in class vemaxs.controller.io.IOController
sbuf - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
select - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
selected - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
Die aktuell ausgewaehlte/markierte GeomFigure
selected - Variable in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
selectedFigure - Variable in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
selectedFigure - Variable in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
Feld mit der gerade selektierten GeomFigure-Unterklasse.
selectedFigure() - Method in class vemaxs.model.DataModel
selectGeomFigure() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
selectGeomFigure() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
Ein Grafikobjekt wird markiert/angewaehlt
selectGeomFigure() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
selectGeomFigure() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.gui.GUIController
selectInitialValue() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
SELECTION_VALUES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
selectionValues - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
separator - Static variable in class java.io.File
separatorChar - Static variable in class java.io.File
serializeNullAndRepeat(java.lang.Object,boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class java.io.File
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.Stack
setBlockData(boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
setBlockData(boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
setContentPane(java.awt.Container) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
setDefaultButtons() - Method in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
versetzt alle Buttons in ihren Ausgangszustand
setDefaultButtons() - Method in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
setDefaultCloseOperation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
setDescription(java.lang.String) - Method in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Sets the human readable description of this filter.
setDescription(java.lang.String) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
setEndPoint(java.awt.Point) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Setter zum setzen des Endpunktes
setEndPoint(Point) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
setExtensionListInDescription(boolean) - Method in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Determines whether the extension list (.jpg, .gif, etc) should
show up in the human readable description.

setExtensionListInDescription(boolean) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
setFillColor(java.awt.Color) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Setter zum setzen der Fuellfarbe
setFilled(boolean) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
setFilled(boolean) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Setter zum setzen des isFilled Feldes.
setFrame(vemaxs.gui.GUIFrame) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
setGlassPane(java.awt.Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
setIcon(javax.swing.Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setInitialSelectionValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setInitialValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setInputValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setJMenuBar(javax.swing.JMenuBar) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
setLastModified(long) - Method in class java.io.File
setLayeredPane(javax.swing.JLayeredPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
setLayout(java.awt.LayoutManager) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
setLimit(int) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
setLocationRelativeTo(java.awt.Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
setMessage(java.lang.Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setMessageType(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setObjectFieldValue(java.lang.Object,long,java.lang.Class,java.lang.Object) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
setOptions(java.lang.Object[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setOptionType(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setPrimitiveFieldValues(java.lang.Object,long[],char[],byte[]) - Static method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
setReadOnly() - Method in class java.io.File
setRootFrame(java.awt.Frame) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setRootPane(javax.swing.JRootPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
setSelected(java.lang.String,boolean) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
setSelected(vemaxs.model.GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
markiert eine GeomFigure als markiert/selected.
setSelected(vemaxs.model.GeomFigure) - Method in class vemaxs.view.Canvas
setSelectedButton(javax.swing.JButton) - Method in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
setzt, den markierten Button als 'geklickt', d.h. das Icon wird geändert
setSelectedButton(javax.swing.JButton) - Method in class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
setSelectionValues(java.lang.Object[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setSize(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.Stack
setStartPoint(java.awt.Point) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Setter zum setzen des Startpunktes einer GP
setStartPoint(Point) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
setStrokeColor(Color) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
setStrokeColor(java.awt.Color) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Setter zum setzen der Strichfarbe
setStrokeWidth(int) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
setStrokeWidth(int) - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Setter zum setzen der Strichstaerke einer GP.
setUI(javax.swing.plaf.OptionPaneUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
setWantsInput(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
shapemover - class examples.shapemover_1.shapemover
shapemover - Class Diagram in vemaxs.tests.shapemover
shapemover_1 - Class Diagram in examples.shapemover_1
shapemover_2 - Class Diagram in examples.shapemover_2
shapemover2 - Class Diagram in vemaxs.tests.shapemover2
ShapeMover2Panel - class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
ShapeMover2Panel() - Constructor for class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
ShapeMover2Start - class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Start
ShapeMover2Start() - Constructor for class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Start
sharedFrameKey - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int,int,javax.swing.Icon) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int,int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInputDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int,javax.swing.Icon,java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInputDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInputDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInputDialog(java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int,int,javax.swing.Icon) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int,int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalInputDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int,javax.swing.Icon,java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalInputDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalInputDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalMessageDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int,javax.swing.Icon) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalMessageDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalMessageDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showInternalOptionDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int,int,javax.swing.Icon,java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showMessageDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int,javax.swing.Icon) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showMessageDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showMessageDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
showOptionDialog(java.awt.Component,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String,int,int,javax.swing.Icon,java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
sign - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
size() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
size() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.ReplaceTable
skip(long) - Method in class java.io.FileInputStream
skipBytes(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
skipToEndOfBlockData() - Method in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
SMCanvas - class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
SMCanvas() - Constructor for class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
spClass - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
speichern - UseCase in VML-Editor (in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse)
Start - Class in Class Diagram Vemaxs
Start - class vemaxs.Start
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
Start - class vemaxs.Start
Start() - Constructor for class vemaxs.Start
startPoint - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
startPoint - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Der Startpunkt einer Grafikprimitive, z.B.
State - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
State - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
State - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
State - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
State - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
State - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
State - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
storeState() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
storeState() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
storeState() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
storeState() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
storeState() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
storeState() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
storeState() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
strokecolor - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
strokeColor - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
strokeColor - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Die Strichfarbe der Grafikprimitive
StrokeColorEdit - class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
strokePolka - Variable in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
strokePolka - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
strokeWidth - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
strokeWidth - Variable in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Die Strichstaerke der Grafikprimitve
StrokeWidthDialog - class vemaxs.view.dialogs.StrokeWidthDialog
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
StrokeWidthEdit - class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)


Testclass1 - class examples.logging.Testclass1
Testclass1(java.lang.String,Level) - Constructor for class examples.logging.Testclass1
Testclass2 - class examples.logging.Testclass2
Testclass2(java.lang.String,Level) - Constructor for class examples.logging.Testclass2
TestObject - class examples.outputstream.TestObject
TestObject(java.lang.String) - Constructor for class examples.outputstream.TestObject
Creates new TestObject
tests - Class Diagram in vemaxs.tests
TextComponentDemo - class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
TextComponentDemo.CaretListenerLabel - class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.CaretListenerLabel
TextComponentDemo.CaretListenerLabel(java.lang.String) - Constructor for class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.CaretListenerLabel
TextComponentDemo.MyDocumentListener - class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.MyDocumentListener
TextComponentDemo.MyUndoableEditListener - class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.MyUndoableEditListener
TextComponentDemo.RedoAction - class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.RedoAction
TextComponentDemo.RedoAction() - Constructor for class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.RedoAction
TextComponentDemo.UndoAction - class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.UndoAction
TextComponentDemo.UndoAction() - Constructor for class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.UndoAction
TextComponentDemo() - Constructor for class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
textPane - Variable in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
tmpdir - Static variable in class java.io.File
tmpFileLock - Static variable in class java.io.File
ToolBar - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
ToolBar - Class in Class Diagram Frame
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
ToolBar - class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
ToolBar - class vemaxs.view.ToolBar
toolTips - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MenuBar
Array mit allen Tooltips der Menueeintraege
toolTips - Variable in class vemaxs.view.MenuBar
toString() - Method in class java.io.File
toString() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
toString() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
toURL() - Method in class java.io.File
toVML() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
toVML() - Method in class vemaxs.model.GeomFigure
Methode wird von den Unterklassen implementiert, da jede
Unterklasse weiss, wie sich in der VML Datenstruktur zu präsentieren hat.
toVML() - Method in class vemaxs.model.figures.Circle
Methode wird von den Unterklassen implementiert, da jede
Unterklasse weiss, wie sich in der VML Datenstruktur zu präsentieren hat.
toVML() - Method in class vemaxs.model.figures.Line
Methode wird von den Unterklassen implementiert, da jede
Unterklasse weiss, wie sich in der VML Datenstruktur zu präsentieren hat.
toVML() - Method in class vemaxs.model.figures.Rect
Methode wird von den Unterklassen implementiert, da jede
Unterklasse weiss, wie sich in der VML Datenstruktur zu präsentieren hat.
trimEdits(int,int) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
trimForLimit() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter


uiClassID - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
undo - Variable in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
undo() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
undo() - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
undo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
undo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
undo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
undo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
undo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
undo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
undo() - Method in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
UndoableEdit - Class in Class Diagram Vemaxs
UndoableEdit - interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
UndoableEdit - class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.UndoableEdit
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
undoableEditHappened(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent) - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.MyUndoableEditListener
undoableEditHappened(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
UndoableEditSupport - Class in Class Diagram Model
UndoableEditSupport - class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
UndoableEditSupport() - Constructor for class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
UndoableEditSupport(java.lang.Object) - Constructor for class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
undoAction - Variable in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo
UndoManager - Class in Class Diagram Vemaxs
UndoManager - class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
UndoManager() - Constructor for class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
UndoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.CreateGeomFigureEdit
UndoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.DeleteGeomFigureEdit
UndoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.FillColorEdit
UndoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.MoveGeomFigureEdit
UndoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.ResizeGeomFigureEdit
UndoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeColorEdit
UndoName - Variable in class vemaxs.controller.history.edits.StrokeWidthEdit
undoOrRedo() - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
undoTo(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
UNINITIALIZED_VALUE - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
UnterMenuePunkt - class vemaxs.gui.UnterMenuePunkt
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
UnterMenuePunkt(java.lang.String,java.awt.event.ActionListener,int) - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.UnterMenuePunkt
update_fillcolor - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
update_strokecolor - Variable in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
update(java.awt.Graphics) - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
update(java.awt.Graphics) - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
update(java.awt.Graphics) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
updateChooser() - Method in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
updateLevel - Variable in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
updateLocation(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_1.SMCanvas
updateLocation(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) - Method in class examples.shapemover_2.ShapeMover2Panel
updateRedoState() - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.RedoAction
updateUI() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
updateUndoState() - Method in class examples.history.TextComponentDemo.UndoAction
useDeprecatedExternalizableFormat - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
useExtensionsInDescription - Variable in class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
useExtensionsInDescription - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.ExampleFileFilter
useProtocolVersion(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
Utils - class examples.filechooser.Utils
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz, Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thoene)


value - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
vem - Static variable in class examples.filechooser.Utils
vemax - Class Diagram in vemaxs.bak.vemax
vemax - Class Diagram in vemaxs.classes.vemax
VEMAXHellesOrange - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
Vemaxs - Class Diagram
vemaxs - package vemaxs
vemaxs - Class Diagram in vemaxs
Vemaxs - Class Diagram in vemaxs
vemaxs - Class Diagram in vemaxs.classes.vemaxs
vemaxs.bak - package vemaxs.bak
vemaxs.bak.vemax - package vemaxs.bak.vemax
vemaxs.bak.vemax.gui - package vemaxs.bak.vemax.gui
vemaxs.bak.vemax.gui.panel - package vemaxs.bak.vemax.gui.panel
vemaxs.classes - package vemaxs.classes
vemaxs.classes.package cache - package vemaxs.classes.package cache
vemaxs.classes.vemax - package vemaxs.classes.vemax
vemaxs.classes.vemax.gui - package vemaxs.classes.vemax.gui
vemaxs.classes.vemax.gui.panel - package vemaxs.classes.vemax.gui.panel
vemaxs.classes.vemaxs - package vemaxs.classes.vemaxs
vemaxs.classes.vemaxs.gui - package vemaxs.classes.vemaxs.gui
vemaxs.classes.vemaxs.gui.panel - package vemaxs.classes.vemaxs.gui.panel
vemaxs.controller - package vemaxs.controller
vemaxs.controller.gui - package vemaxs.controller.gui
vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher - package vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher
vemaxs.controller.history - package vemaxs.controller.history
vemaxs.controller.history.edits - package vemaxs.controller.history.edits
vemaxs.controller.io - package vemaxs.controller.io
vemaxs.doc - package vemaxs.doc
vemaxs.examples - package vemaxs.examples
vemaxs.examples.history - package vemaxs.examples.history
vemaxs.gui - package vemaxs.gui
vemaxs.gui.panel - package vemaxs.gui.panel
vemaxs.model - package vemaxs.model
vemaxs.model.figures - package vemaxs.model.figures
vemaxs.tests - package vemaxs.tests
vemaxs.tests.colorChooserTest - package vemaxs.tests.colorChooserTest
vemaxs.tests.composite - package vemaxs.tests.composite
vemaxs.tests.fileChooserTest - package vemaxs.tests.fileChooserTest
vemaxs.tests.logging - package vemaxs.tests.logging
vemaxs.tests.outputStream - package vemaxs.tests.outputStream
vemaxs.tests.shapemover - package vemaxs.tests.shapemover
vemaxs.tests.shapemover2 - package vemaxs.tests.shapemover2
vemaxs.view - package vemaxs.view
vemaxs.view.dialogs - package vemaxs.view.dialogs
VemaxsColorChooser - class examples.colorchooser.VemaxsColorChooser
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz, Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thoene)
VemaxsColorChooser() - Constructor for class examples.colorchooser.VemaxsColorChooser
VemaxsController - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
VemaxsController - class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
VemaxsController - class vemaxs.controller.VemaxsController
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: zentraler Controller vom Vemaxs.
VemaxsFileFilter - class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out
all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.

VemaxsFileFilter() - Constructor for class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Creates a file filter.
VemaxsFileFilter(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - Constructor for class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts the given file type.
VemaxsFileFilter(java.lang.String) - Constructor for class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts files with the given extension.
VemaxsFileFilter(java.lang.String[],java.lang.String) - Constructor for class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array and description.
VemaxsFileFilter(java.lang.String[]) - Constructor for class examples.filechooser.VemaxsFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array.
VemaxsHistory - Class in Class Diagram Vemaxs
VemaxsHistory - class vemaxs.controller.history.VemaxsHistory
VemaxsHistory - class vemaxs.controller.history.VemaxsHistory
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
VemaxToolBar - class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
VemaxToolBar(java.awt.event.ActionListener) - Constructor for class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
vemIcon - Variable in class examples.filechooser.ImageFileView
view - Class Diagram in vemaxs.view
VML-Designer - Actor in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse
VML-Designer ist der Benutzer der vor dem Computer mit dem VML-Editor Grafiken erstellt.
VML-Designer - Object in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren
VML-Designer - Object in Sequence Diagram Objekt löschen
VML-Editor - System Boundary in Use Case Diagram Geschäftsprozesse
VMLMapper - Class in Class Diagram IO
VMLMapper - class vemaxs.controller.io.VMLMapper
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: Der VMLMapper bietet statische Methoden
an, um das DataModel des Vemaxs in VML-Forrmat umzuwandeln.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
Company: 5Freunde(Tanja Bellaire, Carsten Fritz,
Nadja Schemmert, Lothar Schulz, Daniel Thöne)
VMLMapper - class vemaxs.controller.io.VMLMapper


WANTS_INPUT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
wantsInput - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
WARNING_MESSAGE - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
WEISS - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.VemaxToolBar
WindowActionDispatcher - Class in Class Diagram ActionListener
WindowActionDispatcher - class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.WindowActionDispatcher
WindowActionDispatcher - class vemaxs.controller.gui.dispatcher.WindowActionDispatcher
Title: Vemaxs VML Editor
Description: Der WindowActionDispatcher faengt die
WindowEvents des MainFrames ab.
windowActivated(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane.1
windowActivated(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
windowClosed(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane.1
windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
windowDeactivated(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
windowDeiconified(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
windowIconified(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
windowOpened(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) - Method in class vemaxs.gui.GUIListener
wireHandle2Object - Variable in class java.io.ObjectInputStream
wireHandle2Object - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
wireHash2Handle - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
wireHashCapacity - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
wireNextHandle - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.HandleTable
write(byte[],int,int) - Method in class java.io.FileOutputStream
write(byte[],int,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class java.io.FileOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class java.io.FileOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
write(java.io.ObjectOutput) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutField
write(java.io.ObjectOutput) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream.PutFieldImpl
writeBlockDataHeader(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeByte(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeBytes(byte[],int,int) - Method in class java.io.FileOutputStream
writeBytes(java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeCanonical(byte[],int,int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeChar(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeChars(java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeClassDescriptor(java.io.ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeClassDescriptor0(java.io.ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeCode(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeDouble(double) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeFields() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeFloat(float) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeInt(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeInternal(byte[],int,int,boolean) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeLong(long) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class java.io.File
writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
writeObject(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeObjectArglist - Variable in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeObjectOverride(java.lang.Object) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeShort(int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeStreamHeader() - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeTypeString(java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeUTF(java.lang.String) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
writeUTFBody(char[],int) - Method in class java.io.ObjectOutputStream
wz - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.MainPanel


yellowCrayon - Variable in class examples.colorchooser.CrayonPanel
YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
YES_NO_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
YES_OPTION - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane


Zeichenobjekt - Object in Sequence Diagram Objekt editieren
Zeichenobjekt - Object in Sequence Diagram Objekt löschen
zf - Variable in class vemaxs.gui.panel.MainPanel
zweiter - Variable in class examples.outputstream.TestObject